Frutti Battaglio - Cocco


Origin: Ivory Coast

The coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, a plant originally from Indonesia, which grows all over the tropical region. It belongs to the Arecaceae family and is very long-lived: it can even reach over 100 years of age!
The word "coconut" comes from the portuguese "coco", which means "head". Vasco da Gama's sailors, after their journey in India, named the fruit because it resembled the carved-pumpkin head of the Coco, a hispanic mythological demon.



To open a coconut, a hole must be made in the shell. Insert a screwdriver or corkscrew in one of the three eyes on the end of the fruit, let the juices out and collect them in a glass. Next, you'll have the break the hard outer structure with a decisive strike of the hammer, or a similar instrument. Now you can wedge a knife between the shell and the pulp to extract it. Finally, just rinse the coconut and enjoy it!

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Valori nutrizionali

Did you know?

  • Made up of about 50% water, coconut is a strong ally to our health. Rich in minerals (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and iron), it also contains vitamins B3, C and E, and strengthens the brain, the immune system, the stomach and the liver.

  • Coconuts are also highly prized for their material components. As well as the water and the pulp, all the other inedible parts are also used: the leaves are used to weave baskets, beds, hats and even roof coverings; wood from the tree trunk is used to make objects; and the flowers are used to make a traditional alcoholic beverage in the Tropics.