Frutti Battaglio - Papaya



Varieties: Golden, Formosa

The papaya fruit originally comes from Central and South America, and has around 25 species and around 50 varieties currently being cultivated. The papaya plant is similar to the palm tree: it thrives in humid climates and grows in tropical and subtropical regions such as Brazil, Africa and India. This unusual fruit has a thin peel, which contains a soft and delicious pulp in the shades of red, pink and orange. In the core of the fruit, there is a cavity full of black seeds.

Our varieties


One of the most well-loved and easy to find varieties. The name, "Golden", is due to the skin of the fruit, which is bright yellow in colour with notes of green. This usually small-sized fruit is recognizable by its sweet orange-coloured pulp with a slightly hint of the taste of melon.


The papaya is elongated in shape and medium- to large-sized: it can weigh up to 1 kg. The peel has a green-yellow hue, while the pulp is soft, reddish in colour and intensely flavourful.



The papaya is juicy and sweet: it can enrich a fruit salad, or enjoyed alone as a dessert or a snack. Here's how to prepare it:

  • Cut off the ends and cut the fruit in half lengthwise.

  • Remove the black seeds with a spoon.

  • Cut each half into long, thin wedges.

  • Remove the skin and serve fresh, or diced in a fruit salad.

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Valori nutrizionali

Did you know?

  • As it is mainly made up of water, papaya is an excellent source of fibres and also provides a good amount of carbohydrates.

  • When ripe, this fruit is rich in antioxidants, which help combat ageing.

  • Fermented papaya is a precious ally in periods of pysical or mental stress: in this specific formulation, hailing from japanese culture, it becomes a veritable reservoir of energy and antioxidants.